Sunday Things - accidental space edition

posted in Links by Cargo Cult on Sunday September 2 2012

I was going to create a list of non-space-oriented links, but one thing led to another, and before I knew it I had nothing but. I'm obsessed!

Reprocessed space imagery - courtesy of ugordan, some beautifully composed pictures of gas giants, planetary rings, moons and comets via the raw image archives of Cassini-Huygens and other missions.

Cassini Mission

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Cassini Mission - near-timelapse of some of the aforementioned raw imagery, this time with very little processing. Witness cosmic rays speckling against the CCD, sensor noise and dark current, the faint sunlight flaring in the lenses, end-of-line compression artefacts... A quick behind-the-scenes description.

Manually-controlled ascent to orbit. Sounds accurate?
Lunar Escape Systems - proposal for an emergency escape-to-orbit vehicle for astronauts on (subsequently cancelled) long-duration Apollo missions. Hair-raising, but perhaps preferable to being abandoned on the moon...

Rocket stepladder, anyone?
Saturn 1B - so, you've got a rocket that's got an Apollo-derived manned system on the top, but it's only for reaching low Earth orbit. How to get your shrunken rocket apparatus to interface with a Saturn V's launch tower? Easy!

Bonus Interactive 360º Science corner:

  • Space Shuttle Discovery - full panorama of the decommissioned Shuttle's flight-deck.
  • CERN - exploring various areas deep inside the LHC and elsewhere, complete with ambient audio.
  • MSL Curiosity - full-colour interactive panorama of Bradbury Landing. Rover now on the move!

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