Sunday Things - end-of-the-year edition

posted in Links by Cargo Cult on Sunday December 30 2012

Last article of 2012! At this rate, I need to extend the archives to split things into separate years - fifty articles in just over six months? Not bad going...

Astronauts should cut down on the caffeine.

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Apollo 16 Lunar Rover, in stabilised video - any properly-executed Kubrickian moon-hoax would have taken an anachronistic Steadicam along too. Instead, we must rely on software. via
It's cold outside, no kind of atmosphere... I'm all alone, more or less.
Arctic Technology - brilliantly icy radio antennas, dishes and radomes courtesy of Christian Houge. See also: Barentsburg for some icy, Soviet, Svalbard coal-mining..

... and yet the Enterprise never made it to space.

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The Space Shuttle - narrated by William Shatner. An hour and twenty minutes of infrastructure and procedure constructed to launch the now-decommissioned Space Shuttles. I've found US governmental stuff to share a certain aesthetic - be it Amtrak, post offices or NASA...
My kind of holiday destination.
The Most Remote Workplace on Earth - the permanently-manned French-Italian Concordia station in Antarctica, over 3km above sea-level. Temperatures? Below -80ºC during winter. Next closest station? 600km away. And nights lasting months on end... See also.

Bonus Audio Extravaganza corner:

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