Sunday Things - still another edition

posted in Links by Cargo Cult on Sunday April 21 2013

Catching up again. Sunday is imminent. Have some links!

Geographical constraints mean more interesting environments.
Architecture of Density - high-rise flats in Hong Kong, distilled down to their endlessly repeating, subtly unique essentials.
Roughly a billion times the recommended daily allowance of sodium.
The Strange Beauty of Salt Mines - including weirdly ephemeral underground tunnels. Just have to hope that water doesn't get in... via Erik W.
Lovely, dingy industrial shapes.
Abandoned Power Stations - nice compilation of links to Flickr and elsewhere. via Steve K.

Bonus Disappointing Robots corner:

  • Robot Shaming - unlike 'pet shaming', robots don't have feelings. They hate it when you anthropomorphise them.

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